Friends – Optional?
In the harried life of a leader, friendships rank right up there with sleep on the list of things we assume we can do without. But without at least a few trusted friends in our lives, we would spend most of our time interacting with those (other than family) who cross our path only because of some degree of obligation; our boss who is obliged to lead us in corporate endeavors, our co-workers who are obliged to tolerate us on their team regardless of their personal feelings, or our subordinates who are obliged to respect our leadership in exchange for continued employment. But our true fiends have no hidden agendas or motives. Only a friend who knows our heart can detect inconsistencies in our life and call us out, correcting our course. Only a friend who knows our dreams can celebrate those small successes that go unnoticed to the world around us and at the same time keep us anchored to reality. Only a friend who knows our thoughts can challenge us to keep them pure. No…friends are not optional.
Read about…
Jonathan's Friendship with David
Jesus' Friendship with the Disciples
Ruth's Friendship with Naomi
Read about…
Jonathan's Friendship with David
Jesus' Friendship with the Disciples
Ruth's Friendship with Naomi
Labels: Faith, Friendship