Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Be Intentional

You know the routine. You arrive home late from work, kick of your shoes, loosen the tie, untuck the shirt, and start thumbing through the mail; sorting the bills from the credit card applications and advertisements. About that time your wife arrives home from picking up the kids from soccer and ballet and the clothes from the dry cleaners. She lovingly tosses your Subway sandwich on the counter and delivers a tender kiss to your cheek. Since everyone else ate dinner in the car, you'll enjoy your 6" Sweet Onion Chicken Teriyaki at the computer while you pay the bills and check the S&P 500. If you're lucky, the kids will interrupt you with a few questions on their homework. And if you are amazingly blessed, your wife will ask you to help give the toddler a bath. With the kids down for the night, you are back to paying bills which will require a typical discussion with your wife about budget, priorities, and spending. You catch the local news as your wife goes off to bed. You slip in beside her later and catch some rest before starting all over tomorrow.

If this sounds familiar, you are not alone. For such is the life of every man in American who is content with leaving the leadership of his home to chance. That may sound harsh and maybe there is nothing inherently evil with this routine, but I believe God has something different in mind when he calls a man to lead his family. We must be intentional about engaging our families in the pursuit of Godliness. We must be intentional about developing Christian character in our children. And we must be intentional about sharing Christ's love with our neighbors. Being intentional will change your routine. Try it!

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