Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Calibrate the Compass

As I look ahead at 2008, there’s no way to escape the reality of the change that lies ahead. The coming year promises a few swells and surges that will rock the tranquil boat ride I’ve enjoyed over the past several years.

* My wife begins the New Year with a major change in her schedule having just left her job,
* We will embark on a new ministry opportunity with young married couples in a few weeks,
* Our middle child will be changing colleges; moving 3 hours away from home,
* Our youngest will graduate from High School in May,
* Our oldest will be getting married in the Summer,
* And a major re-organization at work has left several senior executive positions up for grabs, guaranteeing some unnerving instability for a while.

Although these events are exciting and mark positive milestones in our lives, they all involve stretching me into uncharted territory which, to say the least, can be pretty uncomfortable.

Times like these call for a well calibrated compass; a dependable gauge that will ensure a consistent heading as the once familiar elements around me surrender to the unfamiliar. For me, that compass is the confidence that comes from faithful prayer and Scripture reading. By protecting my time alone with God in prayer and Bible study, I can maintain a “true North” heading. I invite you to help me stay the course!

“If Christ himself needed to retire occasionally to the mountain-top to pray, lesser men need not be ashamed to admit that necessity.”—B. H. Streeter

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Blogger Doing Better Than I Deserve said...

I started to say that, for me, the compass is "truth". But the more I think about it, maybe "truth" is really the north that the compass points towards. Is truth a synonym for (one facet of) God?

12:06 PM  

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