Declare Your Intentions
I was challenged by a good friend recently to "declare my intentions." His goal was to move us to determine the priorities in our lives and to publicly live them out. I began thinking about this assignment in terms of its importance among other key leadership qualities. Consider the importance of a leader publicly declaring his intentions. We wouldn't consider voting for a political candidate who kept his opinions on important issues silent. When we get a new boss, we are very uncomfortable until we know what organizational and strategic changes the new boss will be making. And how much more effective are our instructions to our children when they are accompanied by clear, consistent expectations of our behavior as parents.
So why are we reluctant to verbalize our intentions? Here's my theory. By being silent about our priorities, goals, dreams, and purposes, we are free to align ourselves with whomever and whatever is most convenient for the moment. No commitments, no enemies, no expectations. But the minute we declare our intentions, there will be those who line up behind us, and those who line up against us. But isn't that what leadership is all about - boldly charting a course motivated by our passionate pursuit of truth and holiness? The followers are incidental.
So here are my intentions:
* I intend to live by faith. The God of this Universe has a plan for my life which can not always be understood by rational theory or human explanation. There will be times I will be called upon to trust in things I do not understand. My character will be defined by my humility during those times. (Jeremiah 29:11)
* I intend to demonstrate generosity to others. Knowing that my needs will be met by the Lord, what more is there for me to do but tend to the needs of others. (Philippians 2:3-5)
* I intend to do my work with excellence. My gifts and talents are God given and to fail to use them to their full potential is unacceptable. (1 Corinthians 10:31)
* I intend to never compromise on absolute Truth. Believing that the Bible is the inspired truth of God, I will devote time to memorization and study so that I will not be easily lured away from the Truth. (Proverb 3:3)
Labels: Faith, Leadership