Observations on Fireworks

We ended our family Christmas celebrations with a firework finale at my in-laws this week. It's one of my favorite traditions. Typically I approach the occasion with a simple attitude; have fun, try not to scare the kids and dogs too much, and avoid a grass fire that could send central Texas up in smoke. But for unexplained reasons, this year the entire event came under careful introspective scrutiny on the quiet drive home that evening. For lack of anything better to occupy my thoughts, I began to ponder what it is within our human DNA that separates those who spectate fireworks from those who experience fireworks. Why is it some are content to "ooh and aah" over the brilliant explosions in the sky from their folding chair on the front porch while others of us aren't happy unless we are holding a stick of mild explosives in our hand for a couple of extra seconds after the fuse is lit? Why do some prefer to watch from the window while others of us feel the experience is incomplete unless we can smell the sulfur and gunpowder, unless our ears ring from the explosions, unless we are defying every safety warning and aiming the rockets just over our brother-in-law's head, and unless we walk away with a few burn marks in our jeans? We arrived home before I could completely resolve the issue. So, a question for you...what distinguishes the spectator from the "full-on" firework enthusiast?
I'll take the bait... When it comes to fireworks I generally prefer to spectate. I think it is my lack of ability to trust others. I'll just stand far enough back so as not to be in the way. Or maybe it is because one year at a fireworks celebration we were sitting so close that the semi burning embers fell right on us. Maybe I am scarred for life!
Some people live and some watch. We all have areas of our life that are like that but the majority of us watch. Life is like the "Walk" many know about it but few are really experiencing it. Our tendency to think that to see it is to experience it is part of the detach that our society is experiencing as a result of easily available stimulus with the touch of a button, popping of a pill, etc.. It stimulates and puts to sleep at the same time. It is called blindness. We must guard against it daily or we begin to be decieved and start to die. We will buy the lie and it will effect your walk, talk and relationships. Reality becomes somthing that we can not and would rather not deal with. We are asleep right where the prince of darkness wants us. To be alive with Christ is to experience life in Christ now, not just in eternity. As the song says Live Out Loud!
I like to watch fireworks instead of "participate" in them. It wasn't always that way. I used to LOVE to shoot off fireworks. Maybe it has to do with getting old. Reading your blog made me ask this question. Does watching fireworks instead of shooting fireworks make me less "alive" or cause me to miss out on some element of life? I decided - no, at this point of my life - watching the displays of color and light was more fulfilling to me than being actively involved in making it happen, but yes, there are things that by merely "spectating" I am missing out - missing out on what the LORD freely has given me to enjoy or experience to its fullest, whether it be in the physical, emotional or spiritual realm. One of those things is "faith" - which really does not exist in the "spectators’ realm". Though it comes by hearing - it is manifested or experienced at its fullest only by a response - by obedience - by "doing". ( This is the promise of abundant life ( John 10 ), this is showing faith by what I do ( James 2 ) and by which promises will be gained, kingdoms will be conquered, mouth of lions be shut, the fury of fire will be quenched, weakness will be turned into strength, etc. ( Hebrews 11 ) ) May I be a doer of the Word and not a hearer ( spectator ) only.
Thanks stimulating us to love and unto good deeds, Jackson !!
Just recentyly found this blog and am enjoying the insightfulness of the content! I suspect the difference in participating and spectating can also be related to a control aspect along with risk. Those that like to be in control will most likely take a particpative role in things whether it is fireworks or giving a testimonial. I think this is because they want to show what they know or demonstrate their talents. I have often wondered why I hestitate to openly speak about my faith.....over the years I have discovered that it is lack of knowledge or fear of it. Although my faith is the most important piece of my life, I feel my knowledge of the scripture is insufficient therefore, my confidence to battle the challengers is very low. I know what I know, but my ability to debate and win....well....not so confident. So I continue to work on my strongest weakness and build upon my knowledge and understanding of what it is I believe and how to apply it in my own life and become more confident to convince others to do the same.
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